Pinpoint enables brands to target where, what, and how to sell more products in symbol and independent Convenience retail. With modules to suit the needs of any brand, you can choose to license the platform to get easy access actionable insight, get one off insight to answer your key questions, or get a direct store level data feed to integrate with your own data platforms.
With Pinpoint, the focus is on how to get people to action faster in the Convenience sector. We’re constantly investing in development releases and our clients have a voice in what these are. As the user navigates through Pinpoint, they realise what the key business questions are that they’re really trying to answer by viewing the data – our job is to deliver fast and simple insight.
The difference in Pinpoint vs other products is that we’re constantly investing in this. So, the one thing that you can guarantee with Pinpoint is that you are going to get a continuous stream of development releases that help you achieve this – and you have a voice in what that development is.
We want to give users simple and singular points of access to allow them to generate the insight they need to take action – to minimise the number of points they need to go to get to the insight they need to drive the difference in sales. This includes how their view the data, how they can cut the data by different time periods and compare data to previous time periods that allow them to quickly understand exactly what is happening with their brand – and what to do about it depending on their role .
Over the past 4 months we’ve been working on user led improvements and platform upgrades to existing features. The purpose of this is to increase user confidence in the platform, but more importantly increase the speed to insight (insight that enables action to be taken by the brand to grow their business). These platform upgrades ultimately drive more sales. Read on to find out some of the key updates we’ve introduced…
Latest enhancements to the executive dashboard include re-engineered fascia and geography views. This enables users to identify how they are performing in each fascia and geography in a faster and more efficient way without the need for drilling data.
Developments were made to aid the usability of the system for the end users and elevate core reporting. Now users can benchmark or context products they’ve run in reports against various category levels eg categories, sub-categories, brand portfolio and geography.
Now users can see performance in any category at glance – at any level of the category structure. The Category Slicer allows faster access to insight without navigating to different pages. Users can get a tailored view in one report. Select one category at a time and view it at geography or facia level and view full category or sub-category data.
Continual improvement is happening all the time - follow our LinkedIn campaign to discover more of our data developments and roadmaps.